Jumat, 16 Januari 2009

Best Anime Character, One Piece

I like very much One Piece story, thereis a fun and dream. There is picture of one piece character:

In a world of endless oceans and exotic islands, a Golden Age of Piracy has arisen following the demise of the infamous "Pirate King", Gold Roger.

Pirates from across the globe are searching for Roger's treasure, One Piece, said to be hidden in the Grand Line, the most dangerous stretch of ocean in the world.

One Piece, a manga by Eiichiro Oda also adapted into an anime, is the story of Monkey D. Luffy, an ambitious but kind young man who dreams of following in the footsteps of his childhood hero, Captain Shanks, by becoming a great pirate. In fact, he plans to find One Piece and become the new "Pirate King". To that end, he's assembled a loyal crew of eclectic sorts:

* Roronoa Zoro, a lazy former Bounty Hunter and student of three-swords fighting style. He carries a sword in each hand, and a sword in his mouth, and dreams of becoming the world's greatest swordsman by defeating Dracule "Hawk Eye" Mihawk.
* Nami, a sly, spunky female thief and navigator who dreams of making a map of the entire world. She's quite greedy and obsessed with cash, often conning other characters, even her own crewmates. In her backstory, we find out why.
* Usopp, a long-nosed, cowardly sharpshooter with a penchant for bragging and telling tall tales. Has the alter ego of Sogeking, the "King of Snipers". He dreams of becoming a great warrior of the sea, much like his father, with the side goal of visiting Elbaf, an island of giants and a "warrior's paradise".
* Sanji, a snarky, girl-crazy, chain-smoking chef who saves his hands for cooking by fighting with his feet. He dreams of finding "All Blue", a sea where the four "regular" seas (not counting the Grand Line) converge, and therefore holds every species of fish in the world.
* Tony Tony Chopper, a naive & adorable reindeer who also happens to be an expert doctor. He dreams of finding a miracle cure for every disease.
* Nico Robin, mystery lady, archaeologist, and former agent of Baroque Works that dreams of finding the Rio Poneglyph, an enormous stone block that holds the world's "True History".
* Franky, the crew's resident shipwright/cyborg/speedo enthusiast. Powers up on cola and dreams of making an invincible ship that can sail to the edge of the world.
* Brooke, a fencing musician skeleton with an afro, a weird sense of humor, an odd obsession with seeing women's panties, and the power to come back from the dead. Once. After he's already decayed to a skeleton. He dreams of reuniting with the whale Laboon (who lives at the entrance of the Grand Line), who he had befriended fifty years ago.

Together, the Nakama crew of Straw Hat Pirates travel their world, making their way to and through the Grand Line, facing villainous rival pirates and the forces of the corrupt World Government.

The big gimmick to the show is that many characters on the show, including Luffy, have consumed a Devil Fruit, apparently magical fruits that grant the user incredible powers, at the cost of making them physically incapable of swimming. Luffy, for example, has eaten the Gomu Gomu Fruit, turning him into a 'Rubber-man', capable of stretching his body like elastic. The powers granted by the other Devil Fruits are a varied bunch, from producing natural soap to turning into a giraffe to becoming a being made of living ice.

4 komentar:

Anonim,  16 Januari 2009 pukul 19.16  

gambarnya bagus...
Fotonya juga....
apalagi bahasa inggrisnya...
ajarin dunk..

Dhierly 21 Januari 2009 pukul 02.50  

Mbak boleh kenalan dong? khan sama - sama tinggal di Jatim, hehe

Anonim,  12 Februari 2009 pukul 19.42  

ulasan yang bagus...
sebagai sesama penggemar one piece
salam kenal ya

Tri diary 22 Mei 2009 pukul 05.03  

Salam kenal Miss,cantik amat sech.gw msh ngikutin cerita onepiece neh,terakhir si luffy mo selamatkan ace,nah ntar marinir di kepung gak ya,ma WHITEBEARD,DRAGON,dan KELOMPOK LUFFY ,wah..pasti seru banget..!kasih prediksinya cerita jg dönk,pasti rame neh blög..;-)..ÖNE PIÉCÉ FOR ALL...!

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